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Primary intervention: High myopia in adults is related to myopia manifested in the early school years. More time in outdoor activities and less time in near work and indoor activities can delay the onset and progression of myopia in children and preserve vision.
Secondary intervention: The current understanding of the pathogenesis and etiology of myopia suggests the need for several interventions to prevent or control the progression of myopia. In terms of cost-benefit (public health), level 1 evidence supports the daily use of 1 drop of atropine 0.01 daily to control the progression of myopia in children.
Tertiary intervention: Biomechanical weakness and thinning of the sclera are the main contributors to the progression of myopia and, consequently, of the axial elongation of the eye. The increase in sclera stiffness by CLX (sclera) can control the progression of myopia and preserve vision.