
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Join us with the Special Contact Lens Expert...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Join us with the Sclera Lens expert and...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Among the various irregular cornea options, post-surgery corneas...
This video was originally produced in Portuguese. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS In this class the difficulties inherent to the...
PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Join us with  Doctor Leah Johnson expert in Myopia Management and director of the department of professional and clinical affairs at Paragon, a company part of the CooperVision Specialty EyeCare Division. Leah Johnson has fitted hundreds of myopia...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS A solution for every need. Presentation of the...
This video was originally produced in Portuguese. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS In this presentation, the main aspects of contact...
This video was originally produced in Portuguese. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS The therapeutic approach to keratoconus has been revolutionized...
PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS SCHNEIDER’s freeform technology for 3D surface processing revolutionized the spectacle lens industry. Today, individual freeform lenses are the top product in the market, and SCHNEIDER has grown to be the premier manufacturer of freeform equipment worldwide. SCHNEIDER now...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS In many cases, dry eye syndrome is underdiagnosed...