
PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Some of the indications for fitting contact lenses after corneal surgery include: penetrating keratoplasty, radial keratotomy, stromal rings and LASIK surgery. Irregular astigmatism and the weakened state of the cornea are key factors to consider when fitting contact...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS This lecture will review and discuss how to...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS In the workshop you will find in a...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS So much amazing technology is available today for...
PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Join us with O.D. Bradley Richlin for this presentation that explains with great detail when and why to use Onefit™ MED and Onefit™ MED + scleral lenses as an alternative for dry eye management. Onefit™ MED and Onefit™...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Scleral lenses: Scleral lens classification Scleral Conjunctive Anatomy...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Invaluable advantages of the Atlantis Scleral lens, a...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS The Onefit Scleral Lens is an excellent alternative...
This video was originally produced in Spanish. You can enable subtitles in the video and also automatic translation (use the configuration icons in the lower right corner of the video). PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Treatment of severe ocular surface disease due to...
PRESENTATION SYNOPSIS Institutional video of an important Brazilian special lens laboratory.